Reflections …

March 27, 2009

As my blog comes to a close, I would like to write a post on what I have learned from blogging, not only from doing this assignment, or as a whole. (As I mentioned earlier, I have been blogging since I was 17 years old.)

1. It is a new media in its self.

It is not a website, yet it is. It is not a magazine, yet it is. It is not a diary, yet it is. It is not a message board, yet it is.

And yet, blogs are completely the same as what I mentioned above – but better. Therefore, blogs are a whole new media.

2. It is very different to write on blogs.

As we all know, people don’t really read what’s on the web. They scan. Therefore, when blogging, you need to add visuals to make the reader interested in your content. You cannot put a block of text and expect someone to read it – no matter how interesting. As a blogger, you should use some of these formats when writing:

  • Shorter paragraphs. Write one idea per paragraph.
  • Include images to draw readers in.
  • Break up long text by added sub-headings, bullet points, diagrams, etc.
  • Include questions in your post. Blogs are a conversation. Spark conversation in your comments section by asking questions in your post – nobody likes a know-it-all, and no one will comment if you act like one.

3. Your design means everything.

Users online are a superficial bunch. If your blog looks like a default template and has absolutely no color, there is no interest. Create a blog design that suits your personality, likes, and what you’re talking about.

4. Don’t insult an ex, your boss or your mother.

Not that I’ve done anything like this. But because blogging is becoming so popular, so are defamation of character court cases. It is probably not a good idea to bash anyone – good bad, dead or alive, on your blog. You just never know. Plus, it doesn’t give such a good impression of your character, either. Be sure to know what your legal limits are, especially for the country you’re in. For example, in Singapore, you cannot talk about the Government. At all. In fact, we better move on.

5. Blogging is fun!

Enough said.

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